Filters for recuperators
ISO Coarse in ISO ePM filtration
We offer filters for different recuperators upon request. Good recuperation together with filtration will take your living to a new level.
Various designs, dimensions and filtration efficiencies are available.
Nowadays, residential and commercial buildings are increasingly widespread with recuperation, which provides clean air from the surrounding area. Fresh air passes through the filters before entering the rooms to remove particulates such as dust. A carbon filter is often used in combination with the particulate filter to remove odors.
There are various ventilation systems (recuperation) available on the market for room ventilation. The central recuperators have the possibility of cooling the room at night and the preheater to defrost the condensate in the winter, while the local ones do not.
Filters for recuperator Ecofil KA-40 KRT SPECIAL
Filter class: G4 Frame: Different variants and dimensions available
Filters for recuperator Ecofil KA-85 KRT SPECIAL
Filter class: F7 Frame: Different variants and dimensions available